Gield Institute

Mr. Ernest Chingaipe

Course design and programmes Development Specialist

Mr. Ernest Chingaipe is a Project Coordinator and founder member of the Youth Conservation Volunteers (YCV) at the Zambia Forestry College. He is also a Board Member of the Zambia Community Based Natural Resources Management (ZCBNRM) Forum, member of the Green Living Movement, Lusaka Small and Medium Scale Business Association, the Zambia Climate Change Network and the Copperbelt University Natural Resources and Environmental Society (CUNARES).

Having worked for the Conservation Lower Zambezi and the Mundawanga Environmental Park in various capacities as an Education Coordinator and trainer, Mr. Chingaipe is trained as a Forester and a Natural Resources Assessor conducting vegetation restoration and reclamation of degraded lands using Assisted Natural Regeneration. He is also a seasoned consultant maintaining running contracts with CIFOR, Tombwe Processing Company and the Rising Fountains Development Programme in Lundazi where he is currently developing several training sessions on landuse planning and zoning.

Mr. Chingaipe holds a Diploma in Forestry where he developed a business plan on converting a local Forest into an Ecological tourist attraction and was awarded a Distinction for this work. Mr. Chingaipe also holds a Trainer of Trainers qualification in CBNRM. With over 15 years field experience in CBNRM from ADMADE, The African College for Community Based Natural Resources Management (Nyamaluma) and working in 12 national parks, earned Principal Trainer with Gield Institute. He is currently studying for his Bachelors of Education in Environmental Education under the University of Zambia; Zambia Forestry College campus.

As a holder of a Master of Science qualification in Project Management, Mr. Chingaipe is a lead consultant on developing and implementing the Management Oriented Monitoring System tool (MOMS) through hands on training in Mumbwa, Nchelenge, Samfya, Mansa and Chilwa Island in Northern province. Using skills gathered from SADC REEP programme Mr. Chingaipe recently co-authored several study circle materials on sustainable forests, nursery management and entrepreneurship development under the WE-Effect project.


Mr. Chingaipe is stationed at the Zambia Forestry College where he Coordinates and lectures in CBNRM, Natural Resources Law and Policy, Wildlife management, Project Management and Implementation and supervises student field practical sessions in botany, natural resources assessment and plantation establishment .